Thursday, May 19, 2011


OHH lepasan SPM ! yess , ini lah masa bermulanye kehidupan yang mencabar.hanya dua pilihan menentu kan masa depan .ingin berjaya atau berduka .pilihan yang sebaik baik nya sangat lah penting .aku macam orang orang lain kot ,dilema bagai nak terus kan hidup bukan sebagai budak sekolah lagi .series lepas abes paper SPM haritu aku tak fikir ape kot .biler orang tanye nak study mane ,amek course ape ? hanya 'entah' yang aku mampu jawab kot .otak aku kosong ,time tu baru aku tao betapa indah zaman sekolah .tak payah nak fikir ape sangat .pegi sekolah belajar ,main-main ,exam .tu je kot bende senang yang aku kene buat ,tapi dulu still malas nak belaja .esok nak exam baru malam tu sebok sebok bukak buku and study .masuk bilik lock pintu bukak kipas kuat kuat and study sampai tengah malam ,dah ngantok tido .haha aku jenis ta suke pakse diri lah ,kalao aku ngantok aku tido je walau pun study ta sampai sejam .haha teruk kan saya :) tapi aku suke macam tu ,study last minit .haha ohh damn ,miss thats moment .merapu banyak ,actly aku nak borak pasal upnm (uni pertahanan nasional malaysia ) yess ,aku bakal student dekat situ .tapi as cavillian student jer lah sebab time interview haritu aku tak pass untuk apply as cadet student kan sebab BMI tak cukup .haha aku perlu kan 6kg or 7kg for get back my normal BMI .ohh ,tidak ,mane aku nak cari 6 ,7 kg tu .dalam mase setahun ni aku kene try juga kalao nak apply cadet tahun depan .saya boleh ! AHAHA sape ade lemak lebih nak derma .sila datang untuk hari derma lemak sedunia .haha mcam derma darah jer .merepek lagi :) ok ,aku dah excited gilerr bababubii ni ,sampai mimpi mimpi .haha tapi lambat lagi pulak tu lagi sebulan ,nasib aku keje kalao aku melangok dekat rumah jer mahu tak sebulan ku rase kan bagai setahun ,cewahhh ~ haha rase macam semangat tapi satu hapak pon aku tak prepare lagi .stat dari sijil sijil ,buku bank ,barang barang na kene bawak dengan otak yang jem sebab da lame berehat dari study .ahaha aku memang suke last minit lah ,parah wehh .tadi aku saje dok google-ing National Defence University of Malaysia  ,tengok aku bace ,membuat aku jelez and semangat nak apply cadet nex year inshaallah kalao ade rezeki :)

Military programme

Besides pursuing an academic programme, students also undergo rigorous military training. All military training is organised by the ALK. When a new cadet reports here, he or she will first undergo a six-weeks induction training or well-known as Latihan Tunas Wira. The day a new cadet reports to this institutions is called Tunas Wira Day, which is adopted from the R-Day from the West Point. On this very first day, upon registration at Tun Templer Hall they will be thoroughly examined by the instructors and seniors to check if they are bringing along forbidden items. After that, their hair will be cut short by the barbers and the seniors will lead them to Quartermaster to take their military clothes and items. They will be showed their rooms and soon after that they will change to military uniforms for camp orientation and drill training. All of these on the very first day of reporting. This Tunas Wira training is specially programmed to change their mentality from a civilian into a military personnel. Their status as an officer cadet will not be confirmed until they finish this training, and this explains why they are called Bakal Pegawai Kadet (soon-to-be cadet) throughout this period. During this period, the new cadets will be taught the basic military training such as drill, weapons and physical training

They will also be taught other military ethics such as teamwork, perseverance and endurance. The seniors will also teach them the mess ettiquites. New cadet who passed this training will be confirmed as an officer cadet and a ceremony will be held at the field. They will perform a show, usually a platoon battle drill in front of the VIPs, officers, seniors and parents who are specially invited to the event. After the show, the VC will awarded each of them the UPNM berets, symbolically marks their official status as UPNM's officer cadets.

The cadets will undergo further training as they rise through the ranks at the university. For the army and air force cadets, they will learn basic jungle training at Camp Kongkoi, the university's training camp situated in Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. They will learn basic jungle base-up, survival, compass marching and river-crossing training. They will also be taught more types of weapons such as Minimi and GPMG. The cadets will also have their obstacle, march and shooting practices periodically. Military training is conducted between May to July and November to December, when the academic programmes is on the break. But cadets will still perform training throughout academic period, which is on Saturdays. Unarmed combat training is held on Friday evenings.
Meanwhile, the Naval cadets will be attached to KD Sultan Idris I, a naval-officers training establishment in Lumut Base located in Perak to undergo their naval training. They will learn naval routines and culture, seamanship, on-job training and naval warfare lessons at the base. For the seaman cadets, they will attached to particular Royal Malaysian Navy's warships for six month for their practical training.
For final year cadets, they will undergo more challenging and advanced training. The Zulu, which they are recognized, will undergo a seven-month long Final Year Training (FYT) which consists of several trainings. They will undergo a Self-confidence training which includes activities such as confidence training at Commando camp, 10 meter dive, Nuclear,Biological and Chemical (NBC) training and mountain-hiking. They will continue with Counter-Insurgency Warfare (CIW) and Conventional Warfare (CW) field exercises which are held on real grounds, usually in the area of Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. FYT is regarded as the most rigorous training for the cadets because it demands high level of endurance and physical fitness. A cadet must complete this training in order to be commissioned as officers in the Malaysian Armed Forces.
Civilian students are obliged to register under Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU), which means they will serve the military as a reserves. Their participation in the ROTU is compulsory. They will be given training allowance and certain privileges during military trainings. The ALK is responsible for their training programme too. Civilian students who are successfully graduated to Bachelor's degree level will be commissioned as a military officer with the ranks of Second Lieutenant in the reserve after completing military trainings.

ohh sangat menarik kan :) yang aku colour colour tu buat gempak kott .best giler kot masok masok hutan lah ,belajar guna weapon lah ,activity activiti lasak dye .oh my gucci .aku suke wehh ^^ tapi nak buat camne tade rezeki nak try cadet .nex year jela .huhuk
24 jun lapor diri lah .stat from that im not jue anymore .im zura :) jue budak jahat kan dulu ,kalao zura kan baik sikit bunyi nyer .haha mungkin aku akan berubah ,berubah dari buruk ke baik :D tak sabar 24 jun faster dude :))


syakir said...

sy pn plajar awam gak...kos medic..dah tada plihan lain la slain upnm..trpaksa lah prgi wlaupun plajar awam jaaaa....

jue de zura aziz said...

ouh realy .24 jun kan lapor diri .ehh ,i think awam lagi bagus kot .haha sebab dengar senior tu cakap macam menakutkan jer rutin budak2 cadet tu.huhu

syakir said...

aaa..yea..huhu..apa2 un dah dapat wt cne an..awam gak an..jmpa ar sna nnti..

syakir said...

mmg mnakutkan sket.. tp best pa..haha..anyway da dpt awam ok la jgk..see u there ty..